Sunday, March 30, 2008

Education to peace for dinner

Yesterday I, as did millions of people, participated in the Earth Hour sponsored by the WWF. I turned off all the lights I could and we had dinner by candlelight, I, an Italian atheist EVS, a German Protestant student and a Muslim Pakistani researcher.
What was achieved by turning off three bulbs?
We asked ouselves this and we talked about the importance of this symbolic gesture that does not in itself create a significant savings of resources but creates awareness of the need to save resources and cut 30% of greenhouse gas emissions between now and 2020.
Sentence after sentence, between a glass of red and a chicken, among abstemious and vegetarians, we spoke of some of the unethically sourced products we buy, such as bananas or chocolate, cultivated by slaves in the south of the world. We talked about the Pakistani cotton and fair trade in Europe, labour law in developing countries, the chain of commerce liberal-style and of that ring, the last in the chain, the consumer choice, where each of us has power to act.
We came from different cultures and lifestyles but we were able to find similar words to define the society in which we live and that we contribute to forming every day with our choices.
It was only a dinner among friends and it turned into a wonderful opportunity for the affirmation of a culture of peace.

Bruno Picozzi (in translation)

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